
We now describe the interface for defining and solving switching time optimization problems.

Problem Definition

This package allows us to define and solve problems in the form

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \underset{\delta}{\mbox{minimize}} & \int_{t_0}^{T_\delta} x(t)^\top Q x(t)\; \mathrm{d}t + x(T_\delta)^\top Q x(T_\delta)\\ \mbox{subject to} & \dot{x}(t) = f_i(x(t)) \quad t\in[\tau_i,\tau_{i+1}) \quad i = 0,\dots,N\\ & x(0) = x_0\\ & \delta \in \Delta \end{array}\end{split}\]

where the decision variable is the vector of \(N+1\) intervals \(\delta = \begin{bmatrix}\delta_0 & \dots & \delta_{N}\end{bmatrix}^\top\in \mathbb{R}^{N+1}\) such that \(\delta_i = \tau_{i+1} - \tau_i\). Each interval \(\delta_i\) defines how long the \(i\)-th dynamics are active. The state trajectory is \(x(t) \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\). The value \(T_\delta\) is defined as the final time when intervals \(\delta\) are applied, i.e.

\[T_\delta = \sum_{i=0}^{N}\delta_i.\]

The set \(\Delta\) defines the set of feasible intervals

\[\Delta = \left\{\delta \in \mathbb{R}^{N+1} \;\middle|\; T_\delta = T \wedge 0\leq lb_i \leq \delta_i \leq ub_i\; \forall i\right\}\]

The variable \(T\) defines the desired final time of the interval. The scalars \(lb_i\) and \(ub_i\) define additional constraints on the interval in case we would like to have a minimum or a maximum time in which the \(i\)-th dynamics are active.

Linear Dynamics

In case when the dynamics are linear of the form

\[\dot{x}(t) = A_ix(t), \quad t\in [\tau_i,\tau_{i+1})\]

we can define a 3-dimensional matrix A whose slices A[:,:,i] represent dynamics \(A_{i-1}\):

A = Array(Float64, n, n, N+1)
A[:, :, i] = ...   # Dynamics A_{i-1}

The switching time optimization problem can be quickle defined as

p = stoproblem(x0, A)

Where x0 is the initial state vector \(x_0\) and A is the 3-dimensional matrix defining the dynamics.

Noninear Dynamics

Given a nonlinear system defined by dynamics

\[\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t), u(t))\]

where \(u(t)\) the input vector assuming integer values \(u_i\) between switching instants

\[u(t) = u_i \quad t\in [\tau_i, \tau_{i+1}),\]

we can define our switched nonlinear system as

\[\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t), u_i) = f_i(x(t)) \quad t\in [\tau_i, \tau_{i+1}).\]

To create the optimization problem we need to define the nonlinear dynamics by means of an additional function

function nldyn(x, ui)

returning the vector of states derivatives. The variable x is the state \(x(t)\) and ui is the input vector \(u_i\). Moreover, we need to define the jacobian of the switched dynamics with respect to the system states

\[J_{f_i} = \frac{\partial f_i (x(t))}{\partial x(t)}\]

by means of an additional function

function jac_nldyn(x, ui)

Note that the function jac_nldyn returns a matrix having in each row the gradient of every component of the function \(f_i(x(t))\) with respect to each state component. Last element necessary to construct the matrix U having a column each integer input vector ui. Then, we can define the switching time optimization problem as:

p = stoproblem(x0, nldyn, jac_nldyn, U)


The nonliner switched system optimization operates by introducing additional linearization points at an equally spaced linearization grid. To set the number of linearization points to \(100\) for example, it is just necessary to add an extra argument to the previous function call as follows:

p = stoproblem(x0, nldyn, jac_nldyn, U, ngrid = 100)

where ngrid defines the number of linearization points.

Optional Arguments

There are many additional keyword arguments that can be be passed to the stoproblem(...) function to customize the optimization problem.

Parameter Description Default value
t0 Initial Time \(t_0\) 0.0
tf Final Time \(t_0\) 1.0
Q Cost matrix \(Q\) eye(n)
lb Vector of lower bounds \(lb_i\) zeros(N+1)
ub Vector of lower bounds \(ub_i\) Inf*ones(N+1)
tau0ws Warm starting initial switching times Equally spaced between t0 and tf
solver MathProgbase.jl solver IpoptSolver()

Problem Solution

Once the problem is defined, it can be solved by simply running


Choosing Solver

Any NLP solver supported by JuliaOpt may be used through MathProgBase.jl interface. The default solver is Ipopt. To use KNITRO solver with the linear example, it is just necessary to specify an AbstractMathProgSolver object (see here for more details) when the problem is created

using KNITRO
p = stoproblem(x0, A, solver = KnitroSolver())

All the solver-specific options can be passed when creating the AbstractMathProgSolver object: algorithm types (first/second order methods), tolerances, verbosity and so on.

Obtaining Results

The optimal cost function and the optimal switching times and intervals can be obtained as follows:

objval = getobjval(p)
tauopt = gettau(p)
deltaopt = getdelta(p)

We can get the execution time (including the time for the function calls) and the status of the solver by executing:

stat = getstat(p)
soltime = getsoltime(p)

Optimizing in a Loop

The toolbox is suited for receeding horizon implementations. To run the optimization in a loop it is just necessary to update the value of the current state x0 and to update the warm starting point tau0ws which is usually chosen as the optimal solution at the previous optimizaton.

To set the initial state at x0 it is just necessary to return

setx0!(m, x0)

We can set the warm starting point at tau0ws with

setwarmstart!(m, tau0ws)